Indique un champ requis.
For horseback riding vacations
For horseback riding vacations
Indicate your riding licence reference
Diet restriction or medical information
(vegetarian: precise what you eat & don' eat)
Other rider information
additional participants (above)
How did you hear about Cap Rando
If several participants, indicate the total amounts here and in the following fields.
Consult us to check if you get a discount
Indicate the requested dates
Indicate the total supplement amount
Indicate the amount of the single supplement
Indicate which other supplements you're requesting
Indicate the other supplements total amount
Arrival and departure transfers
Indicate if you need arrival and/or departure transfers
Specify the place, arrival and meeting times, means of transport, the flight or train reference
Transfer payment
Indicate the transfer total amount
Montant des frais de transferts à régler sur place et non pris en compte dans le montant à régler à Cap Rando
0 €
Calculated amount (1) - (2) + (3) + (4) + (5) +(6)
15 €
15 &euro
Indicate the insurance price
You can see prices:
Indicate your insurance company name, contract number, assistance phone number. If you don't already have any insurance, indicate: I will forward information later.
Indiquez les transports souhaités et les références de votre passeport ou de votre carte d'isentité.
15 €
Calculated (1) - (2) + (3) + (4) + (5) + (6) + (7) + (8) + (9)
0 €
50% of sub total : (1) - (2) + (3) + (4) + (5) +(6)
15 €
(7) + (8)+ (9) + 50% of sub total : (1) - (2) + (3) + (4) + (5) +(6)
15 € 24/12/2024 the lastest
Total (10) - Amount paid at registration (11)
Mean of payment
Postal address: CAP RANDO, 21 Rue Gaillard, 83110 Sanary-Sur-Mer, France
Conditions are available on request or on the link bellow:

Click on the "Send" button to confirm your request and check that there is no error message in red after your request.
If you do not receive a response within 24 hours, send us a direct email at